The article explores the hypothetical scenario of Earth becoming larger than the Sun. It contemplates the potential consequences and what life would be like if our planet grew to such colossal proportions.
If Earth were to expand and surpass the size of the Sun, the article suggests that it would resemble Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system. A visual representation of this scenario is presented in a short video. As a result of Earth's newfound size, the video shows how the Moon would appear significantly smaller in comparison.
With Earth being larger than the Sun, gravity would undoubtedly be affected. It is predicted that the Earth's increased mass would generate a stronger gravitational pull, resulting in a more intense environment. The article speculates that humans would likely experience difficulty walking or even standing due to this augmented gravity.
Furthermore, the immense heat radiating from Earth, now resembling a miniature sun, would make life on the planet almost impossible. The article suggests that survival would be limited to extremophile organisms capable of surviving extreme conditions.
Ultimately, the main idea conveyed in the article is the sheer dramatic impact that would occur if Earth were to become larger than the Sun. The video simulation and accompanying narrative illustrate the potential transformation our planet would undergo, leading to a harsh and inhospitable environment, unsuitable for most forms of life as we know it.