The year 2020 has been a tremendous one for space discoveries and breakthroughs. Despite the challenges faced on Earth, scientists and researchers have made significant progress in unraveling the mysteries of the universe. Here, we summarize the highlights of the seven biggest space discoveries and breakthroughs of 2020.
1. Spotted the closest black hole to Earth:
In May 2020, astronomers detected the closest black hole to our Solar System, residing just 1,000 light-years away. This discovery provided valuable insights into the formation of black holes and expanded our understanding of the cosmos.
2. Unveiled the first-ever image of a black hole:
Using the Event Horizon Telescope, scientists captured an extraordinary image of the supermassive black hole at the core of the M87 galaxy. This groundbreaking achievement confirmed Einstein's theory of general relativity and revolutionized our perception of these enigmatic cosmic entities.
3. Found potential signs of life on Venus:
By analyzing the atmosphere of Venus, researchers detected traces of phosphine gas, which could indicate the presence of microbial life. This revelation sparked enthusiasm and ignited a new wave of interest in exploring our neighboring planet.
4. Discovered water on the moon:
Multiple spacecraft missions, including NASA's SOFIA and India's Chandrayaan-1, detected water molecules on the sunlit surface of the moon. The finding shattered previous assumptions and raised the possibility of utilizing lunar resources for future space exploration.
5. Detected a cosmic tsunami:
Astronomers detected a cosmic event dubbed the "Cow," an exceptionally bright and fast-evolving explosion of energy in a distant galaxy. This mysterious occurrence challenged existing theories and highlighted the need for further studies to comprehend nature's most extreme phenomena.
6. Identified the source of cosmic rays:
After a century-long search, scientists successfully traced the origins of high-energy cosmic rays to a distant galaxy known as a blazar. This breakthrough provided valuable insights into the universe's most energetic particles and their influence on cosmic structures.
7. Unearthed one of the oldest galaxies:
Utilizing the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA), astronomers discovered a galaxy from the universe's infancy, just 500 million years after the Big Bang. This finding shed light on early cosmic evolution and unveiled a glimpse of the universe's ancient past.
In conclusion, the year 2020 witnessed remarkable advancements in space exploration. From the discovery of nearby black holes to image capture of a black hole's event horizon, the identification of potential signs of life on Venus, and the detection of water on the moon, these breakthroughs have expanded our knowledge of the cosmos and propelled us further into the realms of space exploration and discovery.